悦·酷音乐提供的[AAC高品]正版iTunes Store下载Beyoncé【单曲】-God Bless The USA 2008【iTunes Plus AAC】下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[AAC高品]正版iTunes Store下载Beyoncé【单曲】-God Bless The USA 2008【iTunes Plus AAC】,或保存[AAC高品]正版iTunes Store下载Beyoncé【单曲】-God Bless The USA 2008【iTunes Plus AAC】到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
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Following the death of bin Laden, R&B singer Beyoncé re-released her 2008 cover of the song, the proceeds of which will go to charity. Knowles performed the song on Piers Morgan Tonight on May 5, 2011. After the performance, her version was released as a single to the iTunes Store. In a statement Knowles said, "I cannot think about anything more appropriate to do to help these families... Almost 10 years [after 9/11], it is still so painful for all Americans, especially those who lost loved ones. We were all affected by the tragedies of 9/11 and continue to keep the families who lost loved ones close to our hearts..." Dan Martin of The Guardian felt that the cover was "in contrast" to Knowles' last intervention in national affairs, the Let's Move! Flash Workout fitness initiative. Ronald Mitchell of Newsday commented that "It does our hearts good to see Beyonce work her magic for the greater good." Knowles later also performed the song for the concert she had on July 4, 2011 along with "Best Thing I Never Had" (2011). Nick Neyland of Prefix Magazine commented that "Beyonce is a natural fit for occasions like this, and she doesn't even break a sweat as she hits the high notes despite the soaring temperatures and humidity in the city. That's the mark of a true pro." In Beyoncé's version, the end of the second verse is changed to "And it's time to make a change", as well as changing, "If I had to start again with just my children and my wife" to "family by my side."
01 God Bless the USA.m4a (5.64MB)